Wellness Lab & Clinics

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We all tend to look for ways to improve our lives, and often those ways are shortcuts, or attempts to dodge certain situations. However, what if the best way to get to where we want to be is through things, rather than over or around them?

Often, we look to practices such as mindfulness when we are going through tough times; when we experience severe stress of loss, we seek out ways to calm and ease our minds and hearts.

What we are generally looking for are ways to make sense of the craziness of life. In reality, we aren’t looking for help, but looking for ways to distract and run away from pain, conflict and suffering. This is an understandable human reaction, but it may not necessarily be the best for you long term. 

It feels counterintuitive, but with mindfulness you go through those difficulties. Mindfulness that offers a distraction or encourages avoidant behavior isn’t actually mindfulness.

The purpose is to make us focus on our fears and anxiousness, to confront our worries in a way that is kind and gentle, not judgemental and harsh. 

Focusing on the here and now, not allowing your mind to drift to future possibilities or past events, letting yourself feel what you feel without fear then letting those feelings pass on by.

Don’t hang onto those emotions, but see them, acknowledge them, and let them go.

When we don’t dodge our feelings, we realise that we can come through them; still breathing, still alive, still moving forward.