Wellness Lab & Clinics

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When I was growing up, I remember certain statements being made about me by well-meaning adults in my life, along the lines of “she’s shy” or “you’re far too sensitive” or “you need to do X quicker”.  While the intention was probably to make me step up to some ill-perceived “plate”, as you can imagine, the result was often very different. Maybe you experienced similar scenarios yourself. 

As a sensitive, or highly sensitive person (HSP) things can be hard. Everything seems faster, following a certain process, a particular agenda and all very logical, and when you are someone who relies heavily on feelings, senses and the more esoteric, the rigidity can be exhausting and demanding. Sensitive people can often feel dismissed as the experience of others varies, and in a high-octane world, there isn’t a lot of room for deep thought and careful consideration. Feelings are often seen as a spoke in the wheel of productivity, something that slows the process down, when in reality they should be views as a strong internal compass that gives a guide towards what should be dealt with right now. 

Sensitive empaths are particularly good at ‘reading the room’ - they notice the minutiae, the energy, the motivation of others. 

As a sensitive person, it can be a struggle to see others seemingly allow challenges roll off their backs, and have a laser-like focus on the task at hands. However, appearances can be deceptive, and people sometimes deal with things in more covet and not always healthy ways. 

Often highly sensitive types can flag issues long before others are aware, but sadly as concrete evidence surfaces long after an HSP has noticed it, there can be a challenging and frustrating period where they are considered irrational and deliberately awkward. This pattern goes a long way towards making many sensitive people wish they were different and ‘more like others’, that lIfe would be far easier and less complicated if they weren’t so sensitive.  It can feel that as a sensitive type, you give out far more than you receive in return and end up doubting I you have any deeper value to offer the world.

However, in striving to lessen your sensitivity, you lessen yourself. It is so fundamentally a part of you, and it is indeed a gift. It’s important to be more attuned to it, to make it stronger.  Your voice is important.

Protect yourself with healthy emotional boundaries. Be mindful of the effect that the emotions and actions of others can have on your own well-being, and try to integrate practices that help you deal with any challenges. 

Highly sensitive empaths likely exist to spread healing words and kindness to others, whether you choose to do that professionally or not. If you understand your sensitive nature, hopefully you will be more trusting of it, and have confidence to use it to improve your life and that of others.